In 1971 the pattern of operations was defensive-offensive in the West and a lightning offensive in the East. The thirteen days of operations in the East resulted in the unconditional surrender of the
The ceasefire proposed by
General Niazi, when questioned by the Commission of Enquiry in
Niazi explained that he was blackmailed by General Jacob, the author, into surrendering. This, he repeated in his book, “Betrayal of East Pakistan”
The officers and men of our Army, Navy and Air Force are the finest in the world. They need to have the wherewithal to execute their duties, namely state of the art weaponry and equipment. They also require suitable emoluments and facilities commensurate with the difficult tasks they have perforce to perform. Also, most importantly, they need to have the “IZZAT”, they deserve.
Time was when the status equations of service officers with their IAS and IPS counterparts were commensurate with their respective responsibilities.
Sadly, after every war, this equation has been downgraded.
Some in the IAS are interpreting civil control of the Armed Forces to be civil service control. The IAS officers are Government Servants and not Government, as some of them would like to believe.
Recently, the Service Chiefs had to be subjected to frisking at the Air Ports. This shows the deliberate erosion of the status of the Service Chiefs.
Today, the civil servants feel that the
The Armed Forces are responsible for the defense of the country. They have not only to wage big wars but also the small wars of counter-insurgency. They need the state-of-the-art weaponry and equipment. The weapon systems held by today’s armed forces have progressed little from those used in World War – II.
Modernizations and up-gradation of weapon systems is being retarded by archaic bureaucratic procedures. Modern weapon systems are complex and take a long time to master and absorb.
There has been an inordinate delay is the acquisition of the 155mm Howitzers.
We are desperately short of this weapon system. For Instance, the 155mm Bofors was the main battle winning weapon system at Kargil.
Yet, the further induction of 155mm Howitzers is a very very long way off.
The Army too needs to rethink and upgrade its tactics and standing operating procedures. Unfortunately, a Maginot Complex is prevalent among many decision makers.
There has been far too much reliance on linear defense based on the Ditch-cum- Bund.
Due to our very long borders, these linear defenses lack depth. Fixed defenses are not impenetrable. Both, the Maginot Line of Sergeant Maginot and the Sigfried Line of Adolf Hitler were breached.
Fixed defenses can, at best, only delay in order to determine the quantum and direction of the enemy thrust. Once this is established, it has to be countered by mobile reserves. Ground should be used for maneuver to destroy the enemy. The Mobility Factor is of paramount importance.
To ensure mobility by land, air and sea, formations should be structured accordingly.
Presently, our units and formations are Man-power intensive, rather than being Fire-power intensive. Tactical doctrines should be reassessed. For example, current Army doctrine states that defense is the basic operation of war. Surely, the offensive is!! If this is accepted, then our organizations should be structured to reflect this.
The author took part in several operations in World War-II. Invariably, the Infantry battalion assaulted with one Company up. Very very exceptionally, with two Companies up in the assault!
The author never saw, an attack with two Companies up, in any assault.
The Commanding Officer of the battalion cannot handle more than three companies in the assault. If it is accepted that the offense is a basic operation of war, then the organizations should be structured accordingly.
Incidentally, the Russians, Americans and most other armies have a three company organization.
The man-power saved in restructuring may be used to raise more battalions.
Similarly, we should re-examine the organization of the tank squadron. The present squadron consists of four troops of three tanks each, and two in squadron headquarters. A total of 14 tanks.
The Russians used armour most effectively through out World War II, from
As with the infantry, we should re-examine these organizations. The savings in tanks and man-power, if adopted, could be used to raise further units.
Incidentally, the Artillery was the only arm after World War-II to re-organize. The eight-gun battery of two troops of four guns each, was re-structured as a six-gun battery.
We need smaller and lighter formations that are more mobile and can be transported more readily.
Today, the Division is the smallest formation that can work independently. There is a need to make the Brigade group, the smallest formation that can operate independently. At least, one Brigade group in the Army should be capable of being air-transportable and able to deploy rapidly in distant areas.
Regarding armour, the role of armour and the Armoured Division needs to be clarified. The Armoured Divisions’ role is to break out, once a breach in the enemy defenses has been made. The Division then pours through the breach, and then devastates the logistics and infrastructure of the enemy in the rear areas.
In the military environment that obtains today, it is necessary to re-examine the requirement for the number of armoured divisions.
Independent Armoured Brigade Groups are more flexible and appropriate. A similar restructuring is being undertaken in many foreign armies.
Considering the many islands off the East and West coast, it is necessary for the Navy to enhance its amphibious capabilities. We have come a long way since the fiasco of the landings near Cox’s Bazaar in 1971 (Ukhia).
With the acquisition of a greater amphibious capability, the Armed Forces should aim at being able to assault beaches with at least a Brigade Group. There should also be a “lift” capability to land the remaining elements of the Division.
In 1971, we were only capable of dropping a battalion group at Tangail in
There’s a pressing requirement to re-examine the quantum of Teeth versus Tail as also the proliferation of staffs manning the various headquarters, particularly at
Staff procedures at Service Headquarters need to be streamlined. The bureaucracy in Olive Green at Service Headquarters today is more
The Armed Forces today are serving the nation with dedication. They are fighting small scale wars in
The Armed Forces not only need the wherewithal to fight but also commensurate emoluments and facilities such as housing, schools etc.
We are today short of over 12,000 officers. Fewer people want commissions in the Army, preferring to opt for more lucrative careers in civil life.
Then there is the question of IZZAT? The motto of the Regiment of Artillery is IZZAT O IQBAL. Unfortunately, the soldier does not get the Izzat he deserves. He is forgotten in peace and only remembered in times of war. He is soon forgotten shortly after that.
The Izzat of the Armed Forces is being steadily eroded. The glory obtained on the battle-fields quickly fades into oblivion.
The politicians make wars and the soldiers, sailors and airmen fight them. Politicians, then make peace. The soldier is then forgotten!
Julian Grenfell wrote in World War-I,
“The thundering line of battle stands
And in the air death moans and sings,
But day shall clasp him in strong hands
And night shall fold him in soft wings.”
Eternal night has fallen on our martyrs but has also folded them in its soft wings.
Lest we forget, lest we forget, let us remember them – they gave their tomorrow for our today.
J F R Jacob - played a pivotal role in planning, logistics and the conduct of the 1971 liberation of
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